- Your mind is filled with nothing else but thoughts of food
- You plan your day around the ED (for me, that's b/p)
- It seems like the clouds are within touching distance. It's almost as though they are lowering themselves, in preparation for pressing down on you.
- You begin to wonder whether life has any purpose, meaning, because your sole raison d'etre seems to be the ED.
- You cannot work, read, eat, sleep, think straight, hold a conversation for a reasonable amount of time, function because your ED is so dominant. It's constantly calling you.
- Your passions have fallen by the wayside because your only passion is feeding your ED and watching as that which you consume finally consumes you.
- Death begins to seem quite alluring because you are no longer able to live a reasonable life.
- You are throwing money at the ED (buying food) as though you were about to head to the gallows.
- Those who are supposed to help tell you to come back when you are ready to 'do the work' (of putting on weight).
I'm in trouble.
There is always hope, when you feel it the least. Thinking of you....♥